Thursday, March 3, 2016

104 - Who is Lynching Donald J. Trump

Never thought I would have to quote Rachel Maddow, but since all the Neo-Con media has exposed itself as Marxist/Globalist with the single goal of destroying the People's Choice, Donald J. Trump, you have to find bits and pieces of TRUTH no matter the source.

Last night on the Tonight Show, with Jimmy Fallon (hope I'm naming the right show) when asked about the split in the Republican Party, she said that the Republican party had never in its history been so totally split, she said, "you have a small section of Northern Virginia, and all the elitist inside the beltway, (that is in D.C.) the politicians, the pundits, the news anchors, the lobbyist, the special interest, the government bureaucrats and the power brokers in the GOP establishment some few scattered across the country, like Mitt Romney, on one side, and the Republican Voters on the other."

It got a laugh but it was absolutely spot on analysis. Now, some of my friends will say, "I'm a Republican Voter and I'm not supporting Donald Trump! True, but the MAJORITY of Republican Voters ARE. And I can argue most would not be of that opinion, that is non-supporters, if hundreds of millions of dollars in negative ads, and millions upon millions of dollars worth of negative media coverage had not been trying to LYNCH TRUMP from day, ONE.

(LINK) Here is the Record of just the first six months of Trump Lynching attempts. 

But as to who is trying to Lynch Donald Trump, Rachael Maddow's assessment of the "split" in the Republican Party only describes one third of the Lynch Party.  You see, on the Democrat side, we have the same list of people the counter parts to the NeoCon Establishment in D.C., the Leftists who are  "a small section of Northern Virginia, and all the elitist inside the beltway, (that is in D.C.) the politicians, the pundits, the news anchors, the lobbyist, the special interest, the government bureaucrats and the power brokers in the Democrat establishment some few scattered across the country, like the political Machines in all the Sanctuary Cities, on one side, and a Large Segment of Blue Collar Trump Supporters on the other."

I summed up the remaining One Third of the Trump Lynching Party, as the Globalist Criminal Financiers, who are NOT American Businessmen Like Donald Trump, but are a subset of the Human Population that number JUST 62 people, 48 of whom are Americans, who own more wealth and property than the remaining 330,000,000,000 people on the planet COMBINED.  

Who are these people?

They are the Globalist Elite that own This Lynch MOB, which is made up of the establishment that controls the six corporations that own the T.V. and Radio Media, all of he major newspapers and most of the small so-called independent papers, and 99 percent of the publishing houses; who Own and Control the Federal Reserve, and all the Central Banks, who create money out of thin air, who own out right many countries, and control most the rest through debt slavery, that have held our economy hostage to their New World Order/Globalist/Marxist Agenda, and robbed us of Constitutional Governance, and relegated our children and Grand Children to debt slavery in a quasi-Marxist Poverty State. They are the Globalist Criminals that control every aspect of our Government, every international governmental organization or quasi-governmental organization, even the NGOs that push the Globalist Agenda, from the Rockefeller Foundation, and the likes of George Soros, UNESCO to USAID. 

Why are they trying to Lynch Donald J. Trump.  Because he is an existential threat to their continued control.  You see, they are not satisfied with being mega wealthy, they also want to RULE.  So I can say, for the first time and it be true, "This is the most important election in our life time." This is in fact our LAST CHANCE to create bloodless Revolution, and knock back the Globalist control structure that is controlling everything and creating (1) poverty, (2) chaos and (3) genocide in its wake.  That is their method first they produce poverty (spiritual and material) and destroy the culture, then they "intervene" and create chaos, which produces much death, then they have created the conditions for hard and soft genocide, terror and disease.

You may ask yourself: who would purposely do such a thing?

I will remind you that the paleo-Hebrew picto-gram  for Satan, was a set of jaws with huge teeth with a stick figure of a human caught in the teeth - meaning, "he who chews up humanity."  

THINK PEOPLE:  You young people would not know, but anyone with any age on them knows that NEVER BEFORE have such an array of FOREIGN people spoken so RUDELY about an American Presidential Candidate, AND you and me, THE PEOPLE WHO SUPPORT HIM: repeat - the FIRST time in history.  And my God!  Look at who the people have been and it will tell you how strong the Globalists are, who they can command and use as PUPPETS to form the Lynch Party, to Lynch Donald Trump. That number includes MANY present and former heads of state across the globe, including Britain, France, Germany, the Chinese Foreign Minister, some Muslim voices, and of all people THE POPE of the Roman Catholic Church, who was trotted out by Vicente Fox, and the Mexican Drug Cartels, to dance like a fool at the border fence, and in the media.

THIS IS OUR CHANCE TO STAND UP!  Will you stand with me, will you stand with the tens of million like me. Will you STAND with the man who has placed a TARGET on his BACK for you and me? Donald J Trump.

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